Plans designed to fit your D2C brand

We believe that everyone should have the tools they need to grow, that’s why all features are available on every plan
Per month
+$20 for dashboards
1,000 orders a month
Includes all features
Per month
3,000 orders a month
+$20 for dashboards
Includes all features
Build custom dashboards with your choice of KPIs and campaign-level marketing metrics
Requires an additional subscription of $20 / month for being enabled
Per month
10,000 orders a month
Includes all features
Silver support
Per month
30,000 orders a month
Includes all features
Gold support
Per month
Unlimited orders
Includes all features
Platinum support
Doing less than 50 orders a month? Our free plan is perfect for you.
What features are included on all plans?
All plans have access to Predictive LTV modeling, Customer behavior analytics, Daily profit & loss, Custom dashboards, Benchmarks, Cohorts and segmentation.
What should I do if I don’t know how many orders I get a month?
Your best guess is fine - on paid plans you’ll have the duration of the 14 day free trial to make any adjustments required, but you can also upgrade or downgrade your plan at any time.
What happens if the order limits on my plan are exceeded?
Once you’ve exceeded the order limits of your plan on average for 2 months or more you will receive a notification which will guide you through the process of upgrading your account.
How does the free trial period work?
All paid accounts come with a no obligation 14 day free trial. Feel free to cancel your plan at any time in the first 14 days, and you won’t be charged.
How can I cancel my subscription?
You can cancel your subscription at any time by simply uninstalling the Lifetimely app from your Shopify store. We will then stop any upcoming billing and permanently remove your Lifetimely account data within 48 hours.
What are the limitations of the free plan?
We’re passionate about ensuring that all customers should have access to the tools they need to grow. That’s why our free plan, like our paid plan, includes all of the goodness that’s made Lifetimely the analytics tool for growing Shopify stores. You’ll be able to enjoy all of this as long as you are doing fewer than 50 orders per calendar month, at which point you’ll need to switch to a paid plan.
How do the support tiers work?
All plans have access to documentation and can submit support tickets. Silver tier also has a custom onboarding program, access to a Slack channel and in-app chat. Gold also has a dedicated account manager, reports “done-with-you” and monthly product training. Platinum also has strategic consulting and access to live chat.
What should I do if my monthly order volume fluctuates a lot?
Order limit notification will only be sent once you’ve exceeded the order limits of your plan (on average) for 2 consecutive months, so there’s no need to worry about a single spike in orders.
Why does Lifetimely charge based on monthly order volumes?
Simply put, the more numbers we crunch, the more resources we consume, and the more that costs. We’re ensuring that pricing is as fair as possible. Customers with high volumes of orders get the experience and support they need. Customers with fewer orders aren’t subsidizing the data processing of larger ones.
Is my store data safe with you?
Your data is absolutely safe with us. We keep up with all security patches, and all connections to our databases are internal network only. We’re happy to answer any specific concerns regarding data security - just send us a message at
Can I connect multiple stores?
You can connect multiple stores to access them under just one account and see a Consolidated income statement of all stores. Each store will be billed separately.

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Analyze Your Customer LTV

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